About the event
The Accelerate Conference is a gathering of mission leaders across Africa to share fellowship and discuss issues around the acceleration of the Great Commission on the continent. At Accelerate 2022, you can expect deep conversations and insights on Spirit-born strategies for frontier missions and Kingdom advancement. There will be breakout sessions and opportunity to network with leaders from across the world in order to forge collaborative relationships for the furtherance of the Great Commission.
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Professor Prince VUYANI NTINTILI
Professor Vuyani is the founder of Fulfilling The Great Commission Missions and CLEAN Training School, where he is currently serving.
Professor Vuyani trained in Christian Education, then went on to receive a Th.M. from Dallas Theological Seminary, M.Phil. in Social Ethics from Drew University, Th.D. from Christian Leadership University, Ph.D. in Social Ethics from Drew University.
He is author of 16 published books, available on online book stores.

Dr. Lazarus PHIRI
Dr. Lazarus Phiri currently serves as missiologist-at-large with Pioneers, a mission organization, and is the acting president (vice chancellor) of the Evangelical University (formerly Theological College of Central Africa) in Ndola, Zambia.He attended the Second Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization in Manila in 1989 as a young leader, and later attended the Third Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization in Cape Town in 2010 as one of the senior leaders.
Lazarus trained in accounts and business studies in Zambia, then went on to receive a BSc in pastoral ministry in Lancaster, Pennsylvania (US), an MA in intercultural studies from Wheaton Graduate School, and a PhD in theology and history of mission from the University of Edinburgh.

Dr. Ferdinand NWEKE
Dr. Ferdinand Nweke trained as a medical doctor and currently serves as the General Coordinator of Eternity Ministries and International Director of the Truth Institute, whose flagship training program, School of Divine Priorities equips leaders to lead and minister for divine agenda.
He is an alumnus and an international faculty member of Haggai Institute for Advanced Leadership Training (Maui, Hawaii, USA), and a graduate of Missions Exposure & Training (MET), South Africa. Dr Nweke has trained leaders in Nigeria, Southern Africa, East Africa, Asia, the United Kingdom, the United States and other nations of the world.

Mark Kolo
Mark Kolo serves as the International Team Leader for Global Activation, a mission-catalyzing agency seeking to disciple and mobilize a new generation of workers out of Africa for the global harvest.