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In order for the Global Great Commission Network to achieve its vision to “stimulate worldwide mission efforts that promote the making of disciples of every people in our generation”, many volunteers are needed. Current priority needs include programmers and system designers to work with the Connect development team.
Much progress has been made in some areas and projects, as outlined below, by a small number of volunteers. Our prayer is for a growing number of visionary participants and contributors. Here’s a list of ways you can connect and be part of the GGCN network working together:
The Global Great Commission Network exists to stimulate worldwide mission efforts that promote the making of disciples of every people in our generation. As a priority project, the GGCN has created and is continuing to develop an interactive discipleship assessment survey tool to aid in the efforts of making disciples of every people. This tool can be found on the Global Great Commission Network web site where individuals, churches, and other groups can participate. After taking the survey, users immediate receive in response a Survey Analysis.
(Still to be programmed), Along with a “Score” in each category, the user can select ‘Resources’ under each category and this will take them to a growing list of resources available to help the user in each discipleship area. The user also has the ability to add other resources to the crowdsourced database. More information is available at
Volunteer Needs:
- Discipleship Survey (individual or organization) champion/coordinator
This individual first of all needs to have burden to see discipleship training broadly provided to the church and mission efforts, especially geared toward Great Commission activities and callings. This person will coordinate with system programmers to expand and further develop the online Discipleship Survey tool provided by the Global Great Commission Network, including expansion to better facilitate churches and other groups, and the implementation of various versions of the Discipleship Survey to be made available to different cultures and languages. This person corresponds with survey participants and seeks to guide them to online or other helpful resources in furthering discipleship training and practice. - WordPress programmers to be part of the development team
Programmers are needed to continue the online development of the discipleship survey(s). Requirements include knowledge pf PHP & MySQL, Basic HTML & CSS programming. - Individuals to compile and promote discipleship materials
The Global Great Commission Network desires to promote the use of available discipleship resources and to point Discipleship Survey participants to available resources. We have been moving forward to compile available resources for distribution on various mediums and online. - Individuals and/or organizations to provide online training in discipleship
A longer-range goal of the Global Great Commission Network remains the ability to provide online discipleship training in various formats that participants in the Discipleship Survey process, and others, can utilize. - Participants in regional and country Discipleship Survey development teams in order to translate the survey into local languages and to adapt to cultural differences
These are local volunteers who will work with the Discipleship Survey champion/coordinator to promote and adapt the Discipleship Survey to local needs.
Contact for more information.
UPG Networking
At Tokyo 2010, a vision for a networking tool focused on networking between intercessors, givers, goers and senders around the work focused on unreached people group was presented. It was called the Last Mile Calling network. Since 2010 much effort has gone into bringing this vision to reality.
The Last Mile Calling has evolved into part of the Connect network sponsored by the Global Great Commission Network. The UPG Networking tool at enables facilitators, mobilizers, agencies, churches, mission agencies, intercessors, businesses and funding partners to indicate their level of commitment, involvement, or interest in networking with others to reach a particular unreached group.
The UPG Networking tool exists to facilitate networking on specific unreached people groups. It is a forum for any entity or individual:
Volunteer Needs:
- WordPress programmers who can take on specific priority assignments
Programmers are needed to continue the online development of unreached peoples online collaborative tools. Requirements include knowledge pf PHP & MySQL, Basic HTML & CSS programming and the ability to work together as part of a team. - Unreached People researchers and facilitators to be part of the development team
Personnel with a heart for unreached peoples and especially collaborative efforts are needed to be part of the development and operational team that furthers participation of users on Connect to interact and collaborate around the needs of unreached peoples and UPG topics/forums on Connect. Skills needed include communication and marketing abilities. - Regional project facilitators
Personnel focused on various regions of ethnic blocs in the world are needed to broadly encourage collaboration around UPG topics/forums on Connect. Skills needed include communication and marketing abilities and, most of all, a heart to see UPG’s reached with the Gospel.
To get more information about this opportunity to contribute to this comprehensive social-networking site for unreached peoples, please email To participate in UPG Networking follow the instructions at
Connect Network
The Connect Network is focused on the social networking opportunities for the furtherance of Great Commission collaborative efforts. The Global Great Commission Network has developed Connect as a secure, online, collaborative platform. A growing number of networks have begun using Connect for intra-agency communication among their leadership and several are beginning the process of implementing Connect as their primary communication tool across their membership. We believe this will lead to greater interagency communication as members are successfully connecting with mission leaders from around the world. We are excited about this project and encouraged that this is a tool that will encourage more people to CONNECT, COLLABORATE, AND COMMUNICATE within the mission community as calendar events are shared, causes are championed, projects are promoted and discussions are started.
Volunteer & Personnel Needs:
- Connect network administrator
An experienced IT System Administrator is needed for both and Both are WordPress sites with the Connect site using Buddypress for our networking tools. The Connect site is where we anticipate significant growth and a need for oversight of this network.
Requirements: PHP & MySQL, Basic HTML & CSS. Management and Troubleshooting Abilities for WordPress and Buddypress Sites, Plugins, and Themes. Knowledge of PLESK for Server management and maintenance. - Individuals with WordPress and internet programming skills to serve on the Connect development team
Personnel with IT/network/web experience to be part of the continued development of Connect. Some of the same requirements as the network administrator but not requiring a leadership role. - Networks or other organizations to adapt Connect to their own needs
- Group and other network online facilitators
If you have an interest in helping, the time to contribute to the development, and programming and web skills that you can offer, please contact Work is going forward to identify networks or associations interested in exploring how they can effectively manage their internal communications by utilizing Connect . Once a network or organization joins Connect, they can invite their own members, establish and manage their own Groups, either Public for the purpose of education and exposure or Private or even completely Hidden Groups for internal communication.
We are seeking GGCN Regional Representatives who share the vision and purpose of GGCN to help us serve network participants and inquirers in various regions of the world. At the same time, the Global Steering Team does NOT see it as their role or responsibility to “appoint” regional or local leadership. Rather, what is needed is for participation to emerge from the grassroots level as individuals express an interest in GGCN and their involvement naturally leads to various roles. The Global Steering Team has a role by asking for those interested in GGCN to “sign” the Tokyo Declaration. Another role of the Global Steering Team is to help screen those interested in working with GGCN by facilitating a leadership application, requesting references, and possibly using other contacts to affirm possible local steering team members. But the desire is to see those who the Lord raises up and those who naturally rise to leadership roles as supported by their fellow workers in each area.
The Global Steering Team also does not see it as their role to provide some type of “endorsement letter” for potential local leadership. If GGCN is truly “grassroots”, as it must be, local leadership (and funding) must emerge from the local level as well.
As individuals express an interest in GGCN, we will encourage them to find/recruit others to work together with them as a team to structure a local steering team on a local basis. Out of that different gifts and callings should naturally emerge to meet the local vision of GGCN.
- Some specific ways to facilitate a local GGCN leadership team:
Be active on Connect, the GGCN online network. - Start a local/national GGCN group on Connect.
- Recruit others to join Connect and to join the local/national group.
- Facilitate discussions there broadly about Evangelism, Discipleship, and a role of GGCN to facilitate cooperation in the local region. (Facilitate discussions elsewhere as well, as appropriate and possible.)
- Continue to communicate the vision of GGCN with others, encourage them to “Sign” and understand the Tokyo Declaration, and if possible to be part of Connect.
- Whether part of Connect or not, develop a local GGCN mailing/contact list of those with similar hearts of ministry and service that you can communicate with and work with.
- Interact with a growing worldwide community of Connect members in ways that would be of personal and local team interest.
Contact for more information.
- GGCN Regional Discipleship Survey and Discipleship Resources Volunteer Facilitator
Coordinator of Regional Discipleship Survey and Discipleship Resources per the vision of GGCN to promote the making of disciples of every people in our generation. (See volunteer needs for the Discipleship Survey). - GGCN Regional Steering Teams Administrator
The team administrator serves in an administrative role for the regional GGCN Steering Team to include: GGCN regional web page development, periodic GGCN regional newsletter, and development and management of the regional GGCN mailing list, and more. - GGCN Regional or National Steering Team Coordinator
A local steering team coordinator works to broadly represent the Global Great Commission Network in assigned area and to facilitate a local GGCN steering team.
Contact for more information.
The vision of the Global Great Commission Network (GGCN) is to list, profile, and promote global, regional, national, and other mission associations and networks plus mission sending agencies, mission service agencies, and mission sending churches. If your organization is listed under either Associations/Networks or Organizations at you can check to (1) confirm that the information is accurate, including any network affiliations, and (2) identify your organization as a signer of the Tokyo Declaration. If it is not listed, let us know at and we’ll add your organization to the database.
We want to promote Prayer Networks, Mission Resources, and Mission News and Events from around the world and have made a start toward that goal at Do you know of prayer networks or prayer resources that can be listed and featured? How about significant mission resources including publications, blogs, web pages, service ministries, and much more that should be featured? Are there sources of mission News and Events in your geographic or ministry area that would encourage and bless others? Pass those along or volunteer to coordinate information from your part of the world. Let us hear from you at
We look forward to hearing from you. Let us know how you can help and keep an eye on for further developments.
Educate local agencies, associations, churches and networks about GGCN. Promote and encourage use of GGCN tools and projects. Promote the Tokyo Declaration and encourage individuals and organizations to sign the Tokyo Declaration. Recruit GGCN participants and other resources.